Web & Code

Why Experiencing Rejection Can Lead You to Success

Criticism and even rejection don’t just “make us stronger.” They can actually embolden our creative ideas and output

Jeffrey Davis M.A. via Psychology Today

Rejection hurts no matter if it’s big or small. As creators we’ve all been there, you’ve worked hard on a project for it to not quite make the cut. Your feelings are hurt, your self-esteem takes a hit and you’re left feeling a little ‘meh’. To put it simply, rejection sucks… or does it? 

Getting rejected doesn’t usually feature as one of our envisioned career goals, yet such painful moments of rejection could be what propels us forward.

An Author who recently created a success story after initially being rejected is PIXINVENT, a company based in India that builds eye-catching, high-quality, and high-performing admin themes with an amazing user experience. 

PIXINVENT originally started out as a team of two and has now grown to be a team of 11, with people working across a variety of sectors such as graphic design, web development, and more. 

They joined Envato in 2011 after not finding the creative freedom they desired when working for a variety of other software companies. Their first item was an easily customizable Admin Panel.

It actually got rejected at first but after more tweaks and tests, our new admin template was finally accepted.


Like many creators, the team at PIXINVENT came across many challenges before seeing results. 

We have the same challenges that every other creator faces. Which is how to strive in the ever-growing market of new technologies and competition.


Vuexy Admin Template

Despite these challenges and rejections, they are now one of the best-selling admin templates in the market and are planning to expand their team and enhance their reach further. 

We are planning to explore new frameworks and introduce suitable framework integrations with our templates, which can help users to get started quickly and reduce their efforts.


It goes to show that you shouldn’t give up on your creative dream and that getting rejected can actually lead you on the path to success. 

You can view PIXINVENT’s full portfolio here. If you have any questions or want to continue the conversation, jump over to the forums and say hello!

To find out how to get your items approved on Elements, click here

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