Audio, Videos

We’ve Improved the Audio Discovery Experience on Elements!

Calling all video & audio Authors! We’ve got some exciting news for you…

We know that it’s important for our Authors that Elements customers are able to easily find what they are looking for. We also know how valuable it is for our Author community when customers license and download items across multiple content types.

That’s why we’ve made some improvements to the search and discovery process for customers licensing video and audio content.

So, read on below to see the newest change we’ve released to help both customers and Authors succeed!

From May this year, customers looking at video templates will be shown a box promoting the audio used in the preview when it’s available on Elements. (As shown in the screenshot below.)

This means that if a customer likes the audio they can download it easily straight from the video template page, without having to search for it or navigate away from the video template item page.

And the great news is, video template Authors don’t have to do anything differently than usual. You’re already attaching links to the audio used in your previews, so this won’t require any additional work.

We believe that this change will have many benefits, including: 

  • Streamlining the Elements customer search and discovery experience
  • Giving audio Authors clear credit for their work when it’s featured in a video template preview 
  • Introducing a new way for customers to be exposed to audio items on Elements 
  • Helping customers find audio that matches the video templates they like 
  • Strengthening the one-stop-shop reputation that Elements has for providing customers with access to all different kinds of content.

We hope that this change encourages our video template Authors to use more Elements audio tracks in their previews, and to properly link and credit the audio they do use in their items. 

Check out some more examples of what this looks like, and keep an eye out for featured Elements tracks on video template item pages today!

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